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Resonance course
What to expect in this course
intro video (12:55)
Week one
The Beginning (4:19)
Practice 1: Sexual Identity Exploration (3:08)
Practice 2: Rewriting Your Sexual Story Journaling Exercise
Practice 3: Releasing practice (1:35)
Week Two
Coming Home (5:41)
Practice 1: The Body Honoring Ritual
Practice 2: Breast Massage (0:46)
Practice 3: Body neutrality journaling exercise
Week three
Embodying the Feminine (7:36)
Practice 1: Heart Womb Breath
Practice 2: Sexual Anatomy Exploration
Practice 3: Yoni Sensitization Meditation and Connection
Week Four
Expanding Your Sexual Energy (5:56)
Practice 1: Yoni Fire Breathing- to expand sexual energy
Practice 2: Sexual energy expansion & Micro Cosmic Orbit
Week Five
Finding Your Resonance (5:57)
Practice 1: Safety in Pleasure Practice
Practice 2: Guided Self Pleasure Experience
Practice 3: Feminine / Masculine Self Pleasure Practice
Practice 4: Journaling practice
Practice 3: Body neutrality journaling exercise
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